PSP Ministry News
The first official PSP ministry project, the PSP Encounter for Pastors and Leaders in Angola, was held on September 8-9, 2023 in the capital city of Luanda. We had about a hundred in attendance as we considered the theme of "O Unico Evangelho" (The Only Gospel). Pastor Samuel Quimputo brought three messages on the conference theme, and we had two roundtable sessions. Our goal was to provide the attendees with solid biblical messages on what is the true gospel, investigate the spiritual condition of the church, and meet some young Baptist pastors with a hunger for the truth. In addition we preached in local Baptist churches on Sunday, and met with some key men during the week. We were able to begin laying a foundation for future training, mentoring, and supporting of a few pastors and churches. We have already begun to follow up some pastors online, and the 2nd Encounter for Pastors and Leaders is on the calendar for September 12-14, 2024! Our theme will be "Pastoring the Church of God." On the Monday following the Encounter, we plan to have two or three days of intensive Bible courses with several of the participating pastors and leaders.
We believe that the Lord is pointing PSP to focus on Angola. The spiritual needs are urgent and many in this country. After Brazil, Angola is the largest Portuguese-speaking country in the world. The door for ministry there is open and the calls to "come over and help us" are plentiful. Pray for the church in Angola and pray for us as we seek to obey the voice and direction of the Lord. Pray for the Lord to raise up more funds for this work. We have spent almost every dollar of PSP donations that came in for this year. By God's grace, we have begun well. Pray that God will raise up more support as we go forward for His purpose and glory!
PSP Prayer Requests
1) Prayer and support for a Brazilian pastor/missionary in Spain!
A missionary friend, with his wife and young son, is planting a church in Lleida, Spain, near Barcelona. Igor Dias Ramos started a new church a few months ago and is in need of additional financial support. The PSP has sent some "emergency" funds to help sustain them as they wait for the Lord to increase their support so they can remain in Spain long-term. Pray with us for this family and this new church plant!
2) Prayer for us as we partner with a Bible training institute in Angola
We have been invited to partner with the Reformed Baptist Bible Institute in Angola to help provide training and financial support as the new institute gets under way. They had their first classes in December of 2023 and the PSP helped provide several tables and books. We are also beginning the David Livingstone Project to help provide for the ongoing costs of maintaining the institute and student expenses (books, supplies, etc.). Please check out the David Livingstone Project page on this site!