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Blue Skies







     My name is Calewana Romeu Alberto Bernardo. I am married with Suzete Bernardo. I am one of the elders of a small church here in my community. It is the Reformed Baptist Church of Golfe.

     The PSP Conference was a great experience that I had in September of 2023. It was more than just a conference. It was great days of fellowship with many other brothers, and we learned a lot from biblical expositions done by Pastor Samuel Quimputo. The round table talks after the conference sessions were also a good way that I could learn much more about the discussions. The conference was 2 days that seemed like a month of a class on (biblical) leadership. Moreover, during the conference I received a book by Greg Gilbert called, “What is the Gospel?” That book was a great gift because it helped me to learn more about the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

     After the conference we had more wonderful days of fellowship when Pastor Kevin Millard and Luis Mendonça visited our little church. On that day, Pastor Kevin shared a precious word with our local church here. In addition, he offered us precious books like the Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 and a book on leadership, and he spent time sharing a word with me and my wife.  We kindly keep these good days in our memories. We thank God for the PSP ministry, for being God’s blessing in our lives. Now we understand that we are not alone in this precious labor (of serving the church of the Lord). We have the PSP as a good partner to help us spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and plant healthy churches in our country. We thank God for this ministry, and we will keep praying for them.


Calewana Bernardo

Luanda, Angola


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Calewana with Suzete e Samuel.jpeg
Calewana e Suzete Dec 2023.jpeg

Online giving available at:





Donations may be sent to:

Grace Covenant Baptist Church

2565 Rocky Ridge Road

Vestavia Hills, AL 35243


*Please make checks payable to GCBC and write in the Memo: PSP Project



WhatsApp Image 2024-05-07 at 17.03_edite

Kevin Millard
+55 12 99240-0135 (Whatsapp)


Instagram: @pspministry

Based in São José dos Campos, Brazil.



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